Our mission

To build community and strengthen democracy by serving an active, thoughtful readership at the local level â where the impact of citizen action is greatest.  

Contact information

Phone Main: (828) 251-1333 Fax: (828) 251-1311
Mailing address Mountain Xpress P.O. Box 144 Asheville, NC 28802
Business address Mountain Xpress 2 Wall Street Asheville, NC 28801
Shoot us an email: Got a news tip or story idea? E-mail: news@mountainx.com Have arts or entertainment-related news? E-mail: ae@mountainx.com Want to send a letter to the editor? E-mail: letters@mountainx.com Submit a calendar entry via E-mail: calendar@mountainx.com Please send food news to: food@mountainx.com Please send business news to: business@mountainx.com Find us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/mountainx Report website issues or bugs: www.mountainx.com/bugs  

Staff directory


Phone: 251-1333 ext. 310
Jeff Fobes
Jeff Fobes
Publisher & Editor
251-1333 ext. 109 publisher@mountainx.com @fobes
Patty Levesque
Patty Levesque
Office Manager/Bookkeeper
251-1333 ext. 108 plevesque@mountainx.com
Lisa Watters
Lisa Watters
Assistant Office Manager
251-1333 ext. 100 lwatters@mountainx.com

Editorial Department

Editorial Phone: 251-1333 ext. 340 A & E Phone: 251-1333 ext. 360 E-Mail: news@mountainx.com | letters@mountainx.com | opinion@mountainx.com | ae@mountainx.com | calendar@mountainx.com | clubland@mountainx.com Twitter: @mxnews | @mxcalendar
Margaret Williams
Margaret Williams
Managing Editor
251-1333 ext. 152 mvwilliams@mountainx.com
Alli Marshall
Alli Marshall
A&E Reporter/Fashion Editor
251-1333 ext. 124 amarshall@mountainx.com @avlstreetstyle
Gina Smith
Gina Smith
Food Section Coordinator
251-1333 ext. 107 gsmith@mountainx.com
Grady Cooper
Grady Cooper
Editorial Assistant
251-1333 ext. 110 gcooper@mountainx.com
Lea McLellan
Lea McLellan
Editorial Assistant, Writer
251-1333 ext. 127 lmclellan@mountainx.com
David Forbes
David Forbes
Senior News Reporter
251-1333 ext. 137 dforbes@mountainx.com @davidforbes
Jake Frankel
Jake Frankel
Reporter, Writer
251-1333 ext. 115 jfrankel@mountainx.com @JakeFrankel
Carrie Eidson
Carrie Eidson
Reporter, Editorial Assistant
251-1333 ext. 114 ceidson@mountainx.com @mxcalendar
Hayley Benton
Hayley Benton
Reporter, Editorial Assistant
251-1333 ext. 128 hbenton@maountainx.com @mxclubland
Ken Hanke
Ken Hanke
Movie Reviewer

Display Advertising

Phone: 251-1333 ext. 320 E-Mail: advertise@mountainx.com
Susan Hutchinson
Susan Hutchinson
Advertising Manager
251-1333 ext. 143 shutchinson@mountainx.com
John Varner
John Varner
Marketing Associate
251-1333 ext. 106 jvarner@mountainx.com
Bryant Cooper
Bryant Cooper
Marketing Associate
251-1333 ext. 142 bcooper@mountainx.com
Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt
Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt
Marketing Associate
251-1333 ext. 101 asezakblatt@mountainx.com
Tim Navaille
Tim Navaille
Marketing Associate
251-1333 ext. 111 tnavaille@mountainx.com
Jordan Foltz
Jordan Foltz
Retail Advertising Representative
251-1333 ext. 141 jfoltz@mountainx.com
Nicole Civiello
Nichole Civiello
Marketing Associate
251-1333 ext. 138 nciviello@mountainx.com
Kenneth Trumbauer
Kenneth Trumbauer
Marketing Associate
251-1333 ext. 123 ktrumbauer@mountainx.com

Web / IT

Phone: 251-1333 ext. 390 E-Mail: webmaster@mountainx.com Twitter: @mxwebteam
Stefan Colosimo
Stefan Colosimo
IT Manager
251-1333 ext. 117 scolosimo@mountainx.com @mxwebteam
Kyle Kirkpatrick
Kyle Kirkpatrick
Web Developer
251-1333 ext. 116 kkirkpatrick@mountainx.com @mxwebteam
Brad Messenger
Brad Messenger
Web Developer
251-1333 ext. 129 bmessenger@mountainx.com @mxwebteam

Art & Design

Phone: 251-1333 ext. 370 E-Mail: design@mountainx.com
Megan Kirby
Megan Kirby
Art & Design Manager
251-1333 ext. 130 mkirby@mountainx.com
Laura Barry
Laura Barry
Graphic Designer
251-1333 ext. 119 lbarry@mountainx.com
Lori Deaton
Lori Deaton
Graphic Designer
251-1333 ext. 125 ldeaton@mountainx.com


Phone: 251-1333 ext. 380
Jeff Tallman
Jeff Tallman
Distribution Manager
251-1333 ext. 112 jtallman@mountainx.com
Denise Montgomery
Denise Montgomery
Distribution Manager
251-1333 ext. 121 dmontgomery@mountainx.com